- मृदा स्वास्थ्य कार्ड: किसानों के लिए योजना
- Cosmic farming as an alternative for better crop health
- लखनऊ की दस नदियां जो जुडी थी बड़ी झीलों से
- High Pressure Processing in the Food Industry: A Revolutionary Approach to Food Preservation and Quality Enhancement
- पुनर्जीवित सैरनी दुनिया को शांति की सीख देती है।
- Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining in Jadugoda, Jharkhand
- Sustainable Solutions for Global Land Degradation: Natural Farming Perspectives
- Soil Pollution from Mining Activities: Impact on Living Organisms
Author: Krishna
मृदा स्वास्थ्य कार्ड स्कीम (Soil Health Card Yojna) को 19 फ़रवरी 2015 में भारत सरकार द्वारा किसानों के लिए लाया गया है। इस योजना से भारत के वो सभी किसान बंधुओ के लिए है लेकिन विशेष रूप से उन किसान बंधुओ के लिए है जिनके खेतों में सही प्रकार से अनाजों का पैदावार नहीं हो पा रहा है। जिसका बहुत सारा करण है जो निमन्लिखित है :- पहला लोगों द्वारा गलत फसल / फसल चक्र का चुनाव, बीज/मृदा का सही शोध का तरीका। दूसरा लोगों को पता ना होना कि उनके खेत की मिटटी में कौन सा खाद या उर्वरक ज्यादा चाहिए और कौन…
Intensive outside influence has led to a shift in perspective amongst farmers from the tribal and other primitive communities. Earlier, farming was seen as a lifestyle, a way for sustenance for their family, community and local ecosystems. The settlements used to do farming in a place for some time and when the fertility used to reduce they changed the place and agriculture was practised in new fertile soil. This was termed jhoom cultivation. Later, villages were made and settlements practised natural farming with organic compost as growth stimulant. But now they have been trained to view farming as a pathway for securing…
लखनऊ को बागों के अलावा झीलों और तालाबों का भी शहर कहा जा सकता है। सैकड़ों छोटी-बड़ी झीलों का रिकॉर्ड राजस्व विभाग, जिला प्रशासन के पास है। इनमें से अधिकतर का जुड़ाव गोमती और इसकी सहायक नदियों के साथ था, जिससे पुरे वर्ष नदी को पानी मिलता था। चूँकि गोमती भूगर्भ जल से पोषित नदी है, इसलिए झीलों, झाबड़ों और तालाबों का बड़ा महत्व है। हालांकि, शहरीकरण में सबसे अधिक संकट इन झीलों पर ही आया। गोमती नदी की जलधारा बनाए रखने में सहयोगी झीलों व तालाबों को योजनाबद्ध विकास भी लील रहा है। लखनऊ के उत्तरी छोर पर महोना…
Introduction In the ever-evolving world of food processing and preservation, advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative methods that not only extend the shelf life of food products but also maintain their nutritional value and taste. One such groundbreaking technique that has gained prominence in recent years is High Pressure Processing (HPP). HPP is a non-thermal food preservation method that relies on high levels of hydrostatic pressure to effectively kill pathogens and microorganisms while preserving the organoleptic properties of the food. HP technology has shown some potential for enhancing several food processes (e.g. extraction, freezing, thawing), as well…
पुनर्जीवित सभ्यता की सूखती सरिता की कड़ी में आज हम बात करेंगे सैरनी नदी की जो राजस्थान के करौली और धौलपुर जिले में बहती है। यह नदी पहले शुद्ध सदानिरा होकर बहती थी और जब यह नदी सुखी तो यहां की सभ्यता भी बेपानी होकर मरने लगी। सैरनी चंबल, यमुना और गंगा नदी की सहायक नदी है। जब नदी सूखने लगी तो पानी के कमी के कारण खेती करना मुश्किल होने लगा और लोग बेपाणी होकर उजड़ने लगे। लाचार, बेकार और बीमार होकर फरार होने लगे। पर कहते है न मरता क्या न करता अब लोगों ने बंदूके उठा ली…
Abstract The uranium mines in Jadugoda and the surrounding areas of the Singhbhum thrust belt in Jharkhand State are currently active mines in India. These mines play a crucial role in providing fuel to nuclear power plants. From 1968, Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) began its uranium mining and processing operations in Jadugoda, that is predominantly inhabited by tribal communities. Radiation exposure resulting from uranium mining and processing in Jadugoda, has been a concern for the last two decades. Organizations such as ‘Jharkhandi Organization against Radiation’ (JOAR) were founded in Jadugoda and began to protest and accuse UCIL of…
Abstract This paper demonstrates the global land degradation, impacting 40% of the population due to human activities and climate change. Unsustainable agriculture annually depletes 24 billion tons of fertile soil, heightening climate change. The study highlights consequences, disproportionately affecting 3.2 billion people, especially rural communities and smallholder farmers. With the projected global population at 9.7 billion by 2050, the demand for agricultural products strains already pressured land resources. Land degradation varies globally due to factors like unsustainable agriculture, deforestation, and climate change. In India, where 27.77% of land faced degradation in 2015-16, natural farming emerges as a sustainable solution, addressing…
Soil is a vital part of most ecosystems as it provides the nutrients needed for all living creatures. It supports plant growth, regulates temperature, and supports water and energy resources. Soil is a crucial natural resource, and keeping it healthy is important. However, human activities are disturbing the natural balance of soil. Soil pollution happens when harmful substances, like chemicals and waste, get into the soil. These pollutants can come from various sources, including mining, and make the soil unhealthy. Poor and unplanned use of soil leads to pollution, reduced biological activity, and changes in the soil’s physical and chemical…
Global warming poses a significant challenge for our planet, characterized by a prolonged rise in Earth’s average surface temperature primarily linked to human activities (Figure 1). These activities involve the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere over extensive periods. These gases capture heat within the atmosphere, resulting in what is known as the greenhouse effect. The impacts of global warming are profound and far-reaching. Increasing temperatures have resulted in intense and frequent weather events. For instance, the destructive bushfires in Australia between 2019 and 2020 devastated millions of acres,…
Man is integrally connected with the environment and natural ecosystem. Ecosystem provides us food, clean water, improves soil quality, helps in climate protection, recycle minerals, provide medicines and involved in many other human creative functions. Besides that ecosystem is made up of a wide variety of flora and fauna constitutes biodiversity. Sociologist Edward Wilson coined the term biodiversity that relates to species of animals, birds and plants. All organisms are dependent on each other. Hence the ecosystem is essential for nutrition. Microorganism (bacteria etc.) decomposes the dead plants, Bees pollinate plants/crops to save them, Birds control insect populations by eating…
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